babywearing mom holds baby near tree trunk
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5 Misconceptions About Babywearing for New Moms

Life is full of misconceptions, and babywearing is no different. From telling you that you’re going to drop your baby to say that it’s strange that you’re babywearing because it’s something just for women, there are a lot of odd notions floating around . . . and this post is going to cover the big ones. Keep reading to learn about the common misconceptions about babywearing, and share this post with someone you think could use the information.

babywearing dad with child

Some of the benefits of babywearing

People have a lot of opinions about babywearing, but if there’s one thing I need to speak up about it’s the truth about babywearing.

The truth? The truth is babywearing is a wonderful way to connect with your baby and offers many benefits, while many of the misconceptions about babywearing might say otherwise.

Some of the benefits of babywearing include:

  • Prevention of flat head syndrome
  • Can stabilize the baby’s heart rate and body temperature
  • Offers freedom and convenience for caregivers
  • Can make breastfeeding in public easier

Among many other things. Click here to read more about the benefits of babywearing.

Common misconceptions about babywearing

The top five misconceptions about babywearing include:

  • Babywearing is only for babies
  • You’re going to drop your baby
  • Babywearing is only for rich white women
  • Men don’t babywear
  • You’re spoiling your baby

Here is a bit more on the common misconceptions of babywearing.

1. babywearing is only for babies

False! This babywearing misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. It should be called “baby and kiddo wearing,” really. Whether your baby was just born or is 5 years old, wearing your child is handy (just in different ways).

For the first year of life, babywearing gives parents a skin-to-skin bond with their little one and allows hands-free capabilities to get things done with a baby around who just wants to be held by you. As the kiddo gets older you may or may not use the stroller more, but when your child wants to be carried, or you’re going on a trip where there’s no room for a stroller a carrier or wrap can really save your back.

Have a sensory-sensitive child? Holding him tight in a wrap works as well as a pressurized blanket or shirt.

2. You’re going to drop your baby

Like all baby products, there are risks when you babywear. But if you practice and follow the wrapping or carrier instructions in a safe environment at home as much as you can before taking it outside you should be fine.

As long as you’re using the product properly, as it is meant to be used, and remain cautious and alert (as you should at all times with your little one anyway), it’s safe. The chance of a child falling out of a carrier or wrap is about as likely as falling out of a stroller. It happens if the baby or child isn’t properly secured within, or if the parent isn’t paying attention and things get loose or not put on correctly (just as if you put too many bags on the stroller or hit a pothole).

3. Babywearing is only for rich white women

Historically, babywearing was used by people around the world to get things done. (Check out how it helps this mom of twins!) Women weren’t always allowed maternity or parental leave after giving birth before going back to work … in fact, we aren’t offered much leave now in the U.S.! Babywearing helps families to hold their littles close while still being able to get some things done. Though it seems like wraps and soft structured carriers are predominantly made by/for Caucasians, there are also some fabulous non-Caucasian businesses, too, and not everyone who owns a wrap or carrier is rich. There are also some simple DIY wraps you can make using tablecloth.

4. Men don’t babywear

Yes, men do babywear! Babywearing offers the opportunity for dads to connect with their newborn if mom is the only one who can feed the baby, and also allows mom to get a break for a bit. Thanks to babywearing, dads are able to be more actively involved in the lives of their older babies and toddlers, too! Looking for examples? Check out these 6 men from all over the world who love wearing their kids.

5. You’re spoiling your child

Babies and kids love to be close to their parents, so when parents respond in kind with loving words and support it benefits the child, it does not baby them. There are people who say that you’re spoiling your baby and giving in by going to him when he cries, too, but we know that babies only cry to communicate basic needs. Holding the baby close, like when babywearing, is important to his development, and having the carrier handy for when your baby becomes a rambunctious toddler who runs up and down all the aisles of the store to destroy the shelves is also handy. This misconception about babywearing is one that could be saving many parents bits of sanity. Being worn in a baby or toddler carrier calms kiddos and gives a sense of security, it doesn’t make them dependent.

What are some major misconceptions about babywearing that you’ve heard? Please share in the comments below!

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babywearing misconceptions
5 Misconceptions About Babywearing for New Moms

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