celebrate your bday all month long

Simple Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday All Month Long

Birthdays are fun — especially when you’re a kid — but as you get older they sort of become something you dread . . . a lot. So in my late 20s, I decided to make August my birthday month and celebrate for four weeks instead of one day. On my 30th birthday, I added the tradition of traveling somewhere, anywhere, during my birthday month. Making your birthday a very happy birth month is fairly easy, and just a few steps!

celebrate your bday all month and open presents

Join Birthday Rewards Programs

Just like with your relationships in life, being loyal and investing time into stores and businesses pays off. I sign up for the loyalty and rewards programs at stores and restaurants I enjoy then get fun perks all month long when it’s my birthday. –>>CLICK HERE<<– for a full list of rewards by category.

Plan a Birthday Dinner or Party

Sometimes you just need to plan a dinner party to celebrate the big day! In my family, it’s a tradition to all go out to dinner at the birthday person’s favorite restaurant and celebrate. This year, I’m hosting a fun little barbecue at my house instead so that everyone can see our new house and meet the baby. I’m so excited to see everyone (and being with your loved ones is really what it’s about).

celebrate your bday all month long

Explore for Your Birthday

Set a date for having an adventure! Any type will do; check an item off your bucket list, go for a hike, enjoy a day trip, or go on a full-blown vacation. Having a girls’ night getaway was my birthday trip one year, and I spent the day in a nearby city for a staycation with family for my trip this year.

Donate to an Important Cause

You know what? One of the best ways to celebrate yourself is to let yourself feel good, and doing good things for others is the best way to do that. Donate your time or money to a cause near to you this month, and see if it’s something you can continue from here on! Some birthday kiddos and adults even donate their entire birthday party to a cause by receiving donations instead of gifts — love it!

drinking birthday Starbucks drink

Give Yourself a Late Birthday Gift

My last tip? Schedule something that you’ve been meaning to do or really want to do and actually do it. Allow yourself that little perk. Better yet? Schedule it for a few weeks after your birthday so that just when you might start feeling like your celebration is over it makes a comeback and you’re feeling super special for a while longer. Whether your thing is finally finishing those webinars you signed up for and missed, or going to a concert — do it.

How do you celebrate your birthday? Share your tips in the comments below! And check out our party ideas.

Simple ways to celebrate your birthday all month long

This updated post was originally published on Sept. 10, 2015. Photos by Sincerely Me Photography.

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